Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Building a business from scratch - the first question

Everything new starts with a question. A what if..? The mark of a good question, I think, is that it doesn't just lead to an answer. It leads to a whole new pile of questions, which in turn lead to more questions......that first question becomes the foundation for a mountain of ideas and possibilities.

I had an idea, so I tried it. That's a pretty good start, for me. Lots of my ideas get lost in distraction, but I had been sitting on this one for a while.

What if ... I painted through lace onto tiles?

I played around with the idea of painting though lace years ago, and tried it on canvas. It looked good, but I never took it any further. The idea never quite left though. I don't know where the tiles came from. My subconsious must have been busy ticking away while I was busy!

So I tried it, and it looked amazing! And I wasn't the only one who thought so. I got really positive reactions from everyone I showed them to.

Maybe, I thought, people would pay for these? That was the second question......

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